Line Items: Purchase Orders

The Line Items tab displays the individual items included on the purchase order, listing item identification, price, and quantity information. Purchase orders created for inventory items maintained in your organization will update stock room inventory. Items show as on order until receipts are processed, at which time the order will convert to on hand inventory. In addition, a manual entry order process, independent of inventory, is supported.

Line items cannot be modified on purchase orders that have been approved. The purchase order must be unapproved before modifying line item information.

ClosedField Descriptions

The following table describes the fields displayed in the Line Items list:

  • Item #: The item number on the purchase order, which is automatically incremented each time a line item is added to the order.

  • Item ID and Name : The ID and Name of the item being ordered. For manual entry orders, the ID field lists Manual Entry and the name field will list the item as specified.

  • Stock Room: The stock room for which the item is being ordered.

    • For direct issue items initiated through a work order, the stock room column lists Direct Issue.

    • For direct issue items ordered through this page, the column will be blank.

    • For manual entry orders, the column will be blank.

  • Bin: The bin in which the item is intended to be received. This value can be changed upon receipt.

  • Work Order #: The Work Order ID for items that have been designated for direct issue from a work order.

    Work Order association can also be made from the Line Items page. If a line item is associated with a work order through the add item or modify item features, the purchase order will be listed on Costs/Purchase Orders.

  • Price and Quantity: Price for each unit ordered, along with the quantity ordered. The quantity reflects order unit. For example, if a case of oil was ordered, the quantity would indicate 1 even if the case included 12 cans. The Quantity Received field lists the number of items that have been received to date.

    Price is based on the price stored in the respective vendor record for the item, as displayed on the Vendor tab for the inventory item. If no vendor record existed for this item when it was added, the price is set to 0, unless the price was modified. Upon saving the new item, a vendor record is created for the inventory item.

  • Subtotal and Tax Amount: The subtotal for the line item, calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the price, subject to any discounts defined. These figures are also displayed on the Purchase Order Details page.

  • Total: The total cost for the item. This figure is also displayed on the Purchase Order Details page.

ClosedAdd a Line Item

Line items can be added to any open purchase order.

  1. Click Add.

    The Inventory module lookup opens, allowing you to select one or more items. Items designated as rotating will have a blue icon displayed.

  2. Locate the item you want to add.

  3. Click the item you want to add.

    The Inventory Items window opens. The following information pre-populates:

    • The Item ID, Name, and Stock Room are displayed at the top of the window. If the item is being ordered direct issue, no stock room is listed.

    • The Vendor Item ID field will be listed if a vendor record has already been associated with the item. If a vendor record does not exist, the Item ID will be listed in the Vendor Item ID field.

    • Item price/cost and order information automatically populates based on the information stored in this item's inventory record. The item price is retrieved from the vendor record for this item.

    • If no record exists for the current vendor, the price/cost will default to 0, and a price/cost will need to be entered.

      If no record exists for the current vendor, an Inventory Item – Vendor Record will be created upon saving this item. The new record will include the price/cost information entered for the item.

  4. If you want to associate an item with a particular Work Order, Asset, or Account, use the available module lookups to select the appropriate records.

    The default account is populated from the defined Stock Room.

    Associating an item with a work order will ensure that the purchase order is listed on the Costs/Purchase Order sub-tab for that work order. In addition, associating a direct issue item with a work order can result in the part being automatically added to the Work Order Costs tab as an Actual Part. This process is dependent on a setting defined as a purchase order preference.

  5. Verify that the correct values are selected from the Order Units and Conversion to Issue Units fields.

    The default values displayed will be based on the order units stored in this inventory item's stock room record.


    If you need to change the Order Units field, you will need to manually update the Conversion to Issue Units field. It is very important to ensure that the Conversion to Issue Units field is accurate, as this value is used to convert receipts into on-hand inventory.

    For example, if you order 1 case of oil, the order units would indicate case and the conversion to issue units field would indicate 12. The receipt processed for this line item would result in a transactional increase to on-hand inventory of 12 units.

  6. Enter the quantity to be ordered in the Qty field.

    Remember, the quantity corresponds to the order units specified.

  7. Update any price or discount information if required.

    The subtotal cost and total cost fields automatically calculate upon exiting the Quantity and/or Discount fields.

  8. Indicate the item as taxable:

    1. Select the Taxable check box.

    2. Enter the applicable tax rate in the Tax Rate field.

      The tax amount and total automatically calculate upon exiting the tax rate field.

  9. Enter the due date, if known.

  10. Enter any additional comments in the Comments field.

  11. Choose between two options:

    • Click Apply.

      The Inventory Item lookup appears with the line item is listed in the My Selection(s) area.

    • Click Apply/Close.

      The Line Items page appears. Skip to Step 14.

  12. Continue selecting additional items as needed.

    To remove a record that has been added to the My Selection(s) area in error, click the blue arrow directly to the left of the row.

  13. Click Apply.

    The Inventory Item module lookup closes, and the new items are added to the Line Items list.

  14. Click Save.

    Items added to a purchase order will be listed as on order on the Inventory module Stock Rooms tab, if the purchase order has been issued.

ClosedAdd a Manual Entry Line Item

Manual entry items can be added to any open purchase order. Manual entry items allow for free-form entry of line items, independent of inventory.

  1. Click the Add (Manual Entry) button.

    The Line Items window opens, prompting you to enter information about the line item to be ordered.

  2. Enter the item name or a brief description in the Item Name field.

  3. Enter the vendor's item ID if available.

  4. If you want to associate an item with a particular Work Order, Asset, or Account, use the available module lookups to select the appropriate records.

    Associating an item with a work order will ensure that the Purchase Order is listed on Costs/Purchase Order for that work order.

  5. Enter the order units in the Order Units field.

  6. Enter the number each unit counts as in the Conversion to Issue Units field.

    Enter 1 if Each was designated for order units.

    For example, if a case of the item is being ordered and 10 units are included in each case, you would enter 10 in the Conversion to Issue Units field. It is very important to ensure that the Conversion to Issue Units field is accurate as this value is used to convert receipts into on-hand inventory.

  7. Enter the price for the order unit in the Price field.

  8. Enter the quantity to be ordered in the Qty field.

    Remember, the quantity corresponds to the order units specified.

  9. Update any discount information, if required.

  10. Indicate the item as taxable:

    1. Select the Taxable check box.

    2. Enter the applicable tax rate in the Tax Rate field.

      The tax amount and total automatically calculate upon exiting the tax rate field.

  11. Enter the due date, if known.

  12. Enter any additional comments in the Comments field.

  13. Click Apply.

    The Line Item window closes, and the new item is added to the Line Items list.

  14. Click Save.


ClosedModify a Line Item

Line items can be modified on open purchase orders, unless the purchase order has been through an approval process. If the purchase order has been approved, it must be unapproved by a user with permission to alter the status before the line items can be modified.

  1. Click the row for the line item you want to modify.

    The Line Items window opens.

  2. Make your changes.

  3. Click Apply.

    The Line Items page appears.

  4. Click Save.


    This item's on-order total is updated as long as the purchase order has been issued.

ClosedRemove a Line Item

You can remove items from an open purchase order as long as the item has not already been received.

  1. Click the check box to the left of the item you want to remove.

    A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.

  2. Continue to select any additional records you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

    The line item records are removed.

  4. Click Save.


    This item's on-order total is updated to remove the ordered quantity, as long as the purchase order has been issued.